And so it begins...

Today is January 17th 2011, and I, Audrey Rey, am starting to "officially" document my garden, and the wilderness around me! In return, sharing it with you! I'm sure many other "non plantsy"/ nature things will slip into this blog.
I am a Make-up Artist by day, and a raver by night...HAH! ... well maybe an ex raver these a days.
My spare time now is dedicated to taking photos and a gardening love affair with
drought tolerant species. It was a matter of time the two collided!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sylvester the Shroom

Sylvester, a name given to him by Moe and and I ....because this is no ordinary mushroom. He was a sophisticated, old soul of a shroom. I documented his short, but hearty life. He popped up over night in one of my cactus planters. And never stopped growing over the next 4 days! It was really humid and gloomy last week. Ive had mushrooms pop up here and there in this area of the garden...but never like this guy! I finally let him go after he deflated on the fifth morning and started pushing my cactus over. I thought this cactus was dead before it started to spring leaves...but a massive shroom? Bizarre!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Echeveria Wonderland

Summer is almost here! And the garden is shining with the blooming echeveria succulents! I love the different hues of green and grey mixed with blues, pinks and purples!

Front Porch Line up: "Blue Rose", "Mexican Giant", and baby" Perle Von Nurnburgs"

 "Blue Rose" bloomin' and sprouting youngins'!

 A shrubby fuzzy echeveria named "Ruby".
 My prized "Black Prince" (top) and "Black Knight" (bottom)
 "Topsy Turvy" (there's 4 of them!)
 I thought she was a goner when her long leafy petals shed, a month later babies are born!

 More babies!!
 I'm not sure but I believe this beauty is called "Joan Daniel" or a "Red Edge"...I will see once she blooms. Whatever she is, she's a beaut!