Meet "Sevin" the neighbors adorable cat...Even though he lives in my garden part-time, flirting with Nina threw the window! We met April 7th, hence Sevin...We found out his real name is Picky a little over a week ago. Picky. He agrees Sevin is better!
Wait a minute... don't let that fuzzy exterior and owl like eyes fool you! He's a menace! He bats at my plants, runs through the flower beds and digs!! ...well technically buries his "treasures"
After I worked so hard arranging and planting my succulent bed. The little booger dug up my Cactus!!

Solution = rocks! He didn't like the feeling of rocks under his claws! ...He now precedes to the aloe and grasses to take care of his biz.
...How can you blame the guy, the garden is blooming beautiful flowers at this moment! Its nice to know its admired! ;)