I have been very bad on updating my blog, with my new love affair between Instagram and a new macro lens clip for my iPhone! Bad Blogger!!
I decided to post the major projects I've been working on in the last 5 months after being so negligent after my wedding (11/11/11)/holidays! I've been happily adjusting to married life, doing a bit of traveling and now very excited it's spring and Rey Gardens is thriving!

I made these succulent filled birdcages for my wedding centerpieces. Below are a couple that made homes at Nana's hanging with the hummingbirds, and at my Aunt and Uncles getting ready to bloom!
Wedding favor prototypes still living strong on my dinning table!
A Rey Gardens staple. Recycled gifts are the best! These have made happy homes with many friends and family!
Succulent nest made with wedding decor scraps.
My signature succulent Tea Cups. I gave these to all the ladies in my life for Christmas and or Mother's Day gifts!
A fun "for-hire" project. Gorgeous planter was provided.
Miscellaneous Terrariums for heart filled gifts.
Holiday Succulent Wreath
Hanging Wall Terrarium given to me by my husband Moe. Filled it with a variety of succulents, airplants and a hummingbird!
A fun candy jar Terrarium
Shells from Bora Bora made into planters for daily reminders of our honeymoon!