And so it begins...

Today is January 17th 2011, and I, Audrey Rey, am starting to "officially" document my garden, and the wilderness around me! In return, sharing it with you! I'm sure many other "non plantsy"/ nature things will slip into this blog.
I am a Make-up Artist by day, and a raver by night...HAH! ... well maybe an ex raver these a days.
My spare time now is dedicated to taking photos and a gardening love affair with
drought tolerant species. It was a matter of time the two collided!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Rey Garden Signatures

I have been very bad on updating my blog, with my new love affair between Instagram and a new macro lens clip for my iPhone! Bad Blogger!!
 I decided to post the major projects I've been working on in the last 5 months after being so negligent after my wedding (11/11/11)/holidays! I've been happily adjusting to married life, doing a bit of traveling and now very excited it's spring and Rey Gardens is thriving! 

   I made these succulent filled birdcages for my wedding centerpieces. Below are a couple that made homes at Nana's hanging with the hummingbirds, and at my Aunt and Uncles getting ready to bloom!

     Wedding favor prototypes still living strong on my dinning table!

 A Rey Gardens staple. Recycled gifts are the best! These have made happy homes with many friends and family!

  Succulent nest made with wedding decor scraps.

  My signature succulent Tea Cups. I gave these to all the ladies in my life for Christmas and or Mother's Day gifts!

    A fun "for-hire" project. Gorgeous planter was provided.

  Miscellaneous Terrariums for heart filled gifts. 

Holiday Succulent Wreath 

Hanging Wall Terrarium given to me by my husband Moe. Filled it with a variety of succulents, airplants and a hummingbird!

A fun candy jar Terrarium

Shells from Bora Bora made into planters for daily reminders of our honeymoon!