And so it begins...

Today is January 17th 2011, and I, Audrey Rey, am starting to "officially" document my garden, and the wilderness around me! In return, sharing it with you! I'm sure many other "non plantsy"/ nature things will slip into this blog.
I am a Make-up Artist by day, and a raver by night...HAH! ... well maybe an ex raver these a days.
My spare time now is dedicated to taking photos and a gardening love affair with
drought tolerant species. It was a matter of time the two collided!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Alex the Snowoman

 My cousin Alex (a female) gave me this snowman mini chia pet for X-Mas! I started on 12/6/10 and documeted every 4 days on 12/10/10 and on 12/14/10....  yes I change my Nail polish that much! Its fun to be a girl! :P

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